
Monday, February 13, 2012

5 years

Kmart Photo booth our Junior year

Haaaappy Valentines Day... (tomorrow)

With Love day here tomorrow, I realized I didn't even post about our anniversary.
Yeah! It's true.
I honestly am appalled with myself that I didn't post about it.
Tucker and I celebrated our 5 Year Anniversary last month on January 13. (we also welcomed the cutest blondie nephew into the world that day. Gladly sharing the day )
We had a simple nice date night which didn't even end in dessert due to some pregnancy issues i was having. (almost puking up my two bites of dinner into my purse)
But I have to say.. it wasn't a date that was extraordinary.. but I did have the most amazing company.
We really go perfectly together. And ... seriously.. have a hilariously good time together too.
That guy has my heart for keeps.
I'm so thankful for those first hard years. I mean really, they were freakin hard. But we made that choice to get married young so I'm not complaining. I knew it had to be hard to get better.
I'm grateful for the years of growing together. Let alone growing UP together. He has always been an amazing dad.. but I am especially proud of the man he has become.
I love ya sweetcheeks.
And I'm sorry how ridiculously late this post is.
But every year when Valentines Day rolls around.. I feel lucky and happy because to me it's like celebrating our annivesary double time. Which is just celebrating our love.

5 years. Woah! It's still hard to wrap my mind around.
But just wait till 20 :)

.. It's funny while we were on out date waiting for our table we went into the store next door and kept finding things the kids would love. Specifically a football guy set (like army guys but legit football guys) for Beck. Ummmm yes. Let's just say he plays "football" with anything, sugar packets, cars, anything. Hilarious.


Little Red Bird said...

Congrats to you two! I will admit I teared up.... I remember when you two got married, and the babies. ah the memories...

"I knew it had to be hard to get better"

I love you, Meech! Happy Anniversary to you and Tuck, Tuck!

kim said...

I love this post! I am so proud of both of you! You really have grown up together and have made the most out of your time with each other!
I sure love you both! and Happy Valentines Day!!!