
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thrifted Records

Beck was completely mesmerized.
He loves listening to records.
And I love collecting them. Especially disney and kid ones.
We have some pretty nifty ones stashed away..
These are my most recent record finds.
I don't always look in that section..
because 1. it takes a while to go through
2. I always want something

But these were must haves :)
Records are only 50 cents at DI.
So, hit it up!

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1 comment:

Ani said...

Hi Michelle!!! I love your blog... I've been wanting to get a record player for a while for my kiddies to love and appreciate amazing things that arent around anymore!!! I use to love collecting records when i was little. I love this post. Your little ones are just adorable!!!
